We are not done with Title
Title optimization is often taken for granted by some
internet marketers, online business owners, bloggers and even some SEOs. Thinking
that it is one of the easiest and to not put any effort on it is a grave
mistake that a considerable number of people in this business have been unconsciously
practicing for years.
Most of these mistakes are blog post titles. Yes, you read
it right. Blog post titles are often taken lightly and I've seen it in most of
my previous clients. What's sad about this is that some of them would not allow
me to optimize their blog post's titles which is a bit discouraging and I ask
myself why would they hire an SEO but set a restriction in optimizing such
important factor that can help improve organic traffic and possibly rank
naturally on the first page of Google's search result.
If you already spent time writing the article or paid for it
make sure that before publish it in your blog to be read by your readers,
visitors or crawled and indexed by search engine bots you created the right
title for it.
Here are few things you can do to fully optimize your
2. Click --> Type keyword using a Phrase
3. Pick the best one that fits your article
4. Make sure not to spam the keyword in the title
5. Do a Google search and compare other titles in the
6. Construct 5-10 titles for that article and pick the best
The idea is clear in my head but I am not sure if I manage
to explain that clear in here. Making it a habit to come up with the best title
for your article which target a keyword phrase that has a good average monthly
search helps improve not only your organic traffic but also your improve your
site's authority on its niche.
Btw, I hate writing an
article so I hope you don't mind how things are written here. Bare with me on
this part.
I hope this can somewhat help someone.
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